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Personal Injury

Personal Injury | November 10, 2022

Data Breach Alert: United Veterinary Care

Data Breach AlertOn November 3, 2022, United Veterinary Care filed notice of a data breach with the Office of the Massachusetts Attorney General after the company discovered that an unauthorized party was able to access sensitive information belonging to certain individuals. Based on the company’s official filing, the incident resulted in an unauthorized party gaining access to consumers’ names, Social Security numbers and financial account information. After confirming that

Personal Injury | October 29, 2022

Limb Loss and Grief: 5 Coping Strategies for New Amputees

Grief after limb loss is normal. Here are five things you need to know about coping with depression and anxiety after an amputation.

How to Help a Recent Amputee CopeIt’s clear that an amputation affects limb loss survivors in physical ways. But the emotional and psychological impacts of losing a limb are sometimes just as serious as the physical ones. The relationship between amputation, grief, and depression is very real and, often, very

Personal Injury, Product Liability and Class Action News | October 26, 2022

L’Oréal Faces Lawsuit Claiming the Company’s Chemical Hair Relaxing Product Cause Uterine Cancer

L'OrealEarlier this month, a woman filed a lawsuit against cosmetic giant L’Oréal based on allegations that the company’s hair straightening products caused her to develop uterine cancer. While this is the first lawsuit against L’Oréal based on the company’s hair straightening products, based on the number of people who reportedly use the product, it would appear that there may be many more similar lawsuits to come.


Personal Injury | October 8, 2022

Why Is My Personal Injury Case Taking So Long?

What is the Average Time for a Personal Injury Claim Settlement?

When a serious injury affects you all day, every day, time doesn’t exactly fly. It’s not only your journey to recovery that can seem painfully slow, either. The personal injury claims process isn’t designed to get you the compensation you deserve quickly and easily. It’s full of obstacles and opportunities for the other side to hold

Personal Injury | September 27, 2022

Slip and Fall Liability

After your injury, you can file a personal injury claim to recover the damages caused by your slip, trip, or fall. However, identifying who is responsible for your slip and fall isn’t always as clear as it seems.

Many retail locations rent the land they operate on. In some cases, they might also pay for another company to keep that property safe. For a slip and fall

Personal Injury | September 27, 2022

School Slip & Fall Injury Attorneys

Slip-and-fall school cases are more common than most parents realize. Schools are responsible for protecting your children while they are on the premises. These educational institutes are also responsible for maintaining the facilities to prevent injuries by anyone on site, including students, staff, parents, and visitors.

An accident on the school premises can lead to long-lasting injuries depending on the situation. If you or a loved one

Personal Injury | September 22, 2022

Back Injuries From Slipping and Falling on Ice

Slip and Fall Injuries From Falling on Ice and Snow

Scene Of A Slip And Fall On IceDo you have back pain from slipping on ice? Did you sustain injuries due to slipping on ice? Falling on ice or cold concrete is traumatic for your body. Slip and fall injuries can be very serious because slick surfaces are unforgiving. Some of the most frequent injuries are cracked skulls or fractured bones from attempting to

Personal Injury | August 31, 2022

The Most Common Injuries in New Jersey Nursing Home Injury Claims

Nursing Home InjuryAugust 31, 2022 – Making the choice to put your loved one in a nursing home is one of the hardest decisions you ever have to face. Often, what drives this decision is a matter of safety. Your ailing or aging family member simply cannot be safely cared for at home anymore, and professional care is necessary to manage their progressing medical conditions or to keep your

Personal Injury | August 12, 2022

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Medical Malpractice

Our CRPS Attorneys Answer Patients’ Most Frequently Asked Questions

CRPS PainCan the tiny tip of a hypodermic needle lead to serious, incurable nerve damage? The number of lawsuits being filed by individuals who have suffered injection-needlestick-injury induced complex regional pain syndrome, or CRPS, is on the rise. In many of these cases, a routine blood draw gone wrong is reported to have led to the debilitating condition.


Personal Injury | August 11, 2022

Can a Personal Injury Case Be Reopened?

If you’re wondering if your personal injury case can be reopened, unfortunately, the answer is that once closed, a personal injury claim typically can’t be reopened, even with the help of a lawyer. No matter how good a reason these victims have for wanting the case reopened, it’s just not how the process works.

Once your case is closed, it’s closed for good – so make

Personal Injury | August 8, 2022

Four Causes of Slip and Fall Injuries in Public Buildings

Slip and fall accidents in New Jersey are all too common, but dealing with the aftermath is anything but normal. You can’t do the things you used to do or move the way you used to move. You don’t feel like you anymore. As you work toward physical recovery, you need someone you can trust with you every step of the way, advocating for your well-being. You

Personal Injury | July 13, 2022

3 Reassuring Things to Know When Your Car Accident Was Caused By A Friend

Perhaps the most troubling situation for injured car accident victims is when the person they must sue is their own friend or family member.

It happens more often than you might think. Passengers usually do know their drivers. And a single moment of distraction or one instance of a lack of caution is all it takes for a driver to cause an accident. It very well may

Personal Injury | July 13, 2022

Is Filing a Car Accident Lawsuit Worth the Trouble?

When deciding whether to pursue a car accident claim, the question is, what will you get out of it?

In the kind of high-value claim for which you should have a lawyer, you will often see settlements in the range of tens of thousands of dollars. The settlement amounts for your typical personal injury cases range from $3,000 to $75,000, with an average payout of $52,900, according

Personal Injury | July 11, 2022

What Parents Need to Know About Kids and Social Media Self-Harm and Addiction

Social Media HarmJuly 11, 2022 – For every funny meme or cute pet picture posted on social media by a friend, for every “like” and congratulatory comment, there’s a darker side to social media. Researchers have linked social media exposure—especially excessive and problematic usage—to social media addiction, mental health issues, eating disorders, self-harm behaviors, and suicidal ideation.

What Can Parents Do About Harm Caused by Social Media?

Given the

Personal Injury, Product Liability and Class Action News | June 27, 2022

Women Who Took Depakote During Pregnancy Increase Their Chances of Severe Birth Defects

Pregnant WomanJune 27, 2022 – Deciding to take any medication during pregnancy is a tough decision. Of course, expecting mothers trust their doctors only to prescribe medication that is safe to take during pregnancy. However, doctors rely on the warnings provided by drug companies when making these critical decisions. But what happens if a drug manufacturer fails to disclose all the risks associated with the medication? Doctors won’t