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Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 29, 2022

Consumer Data Breach Notice: Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC

Data Breach Alert

April 29, 2022 – Recently, Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC (“Janney”) reported a data breach resulting from a ransomware attack against R.R. Donnelly & Sons Company (“RR Donnelly”), a company Janney uses to process customer communications. As a result of the breach, the names, addresses, account numbers, account values, birthdates, and Social Security numbers of certain individuals were compromised. On April 29, 2022, Janney began sending out data

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 29, 2022

Consumer Data Breach Notice: Summit Eye Associates, P.C.

Data Breach AlertApril 29, 2022 – Recently, Summit Eye Associates, P.C. (“Summit”) reported a possible data breach resulting from a data security incident that occurred at Eye Care Leaders, a third-party company that facilitates the maintenance of Summit’s patients’ medical records. As a result of the breach, the names, birthdates, and Social Security numbers of certain individuals may have been compromised. On April 27, 2022, Summit Eye Associates began

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 29, 2022

Consumer Data Breach Notice: ARcare

Data Breach Alert

April 29, 2022 – ARcare reported a data breach after an unauthorized party was able to gain access to sensitive information stored on the company’s computer servers. As a result of the breach, the names, dates of birth, financial account information and Social Security numbers of certain individuals were compromised. On April 25, 2022, ARcare sent out data breach letters to those whose information was affected by

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 28, 2022

Government Agencies Warn of Hackers Targeting Cryptocurrency Trading Apps

Cryptocurrency TheftApril 28, 2022 – Recently, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the U.S. Treasury Department (Treasury) issued a joint statement highlighting the recent cryptohacking efforts of several groups associated with the North Korean government. The joint statement concludes that the recent Axie Infinity hack, which resulted in the theft of more than $620 million in Ethereum, was carried

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 28, 2022

Consumer Data Breach Notice: Frock Bros. Trucking, Inc.

Data Breach AlertApril 28, 2022 – Recently, Frock Bros. Trucking, Inc. (“Frock Bros.”) reported a data breach resulting from an unauthorized party gaining access to certain files contained on the company’s computer network. As a result of the breach, the names, dates of birth, and Social Security numbers of certain individuals were compromised. On April 19, 2022, Frock Bros. began sending out data breach letters to those whose information

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 26, 2022

Data Breach Alert: Inntopia

Data Breach Alert

April 26, 2022 – Recently, Sterling Valley Systems d/b/a Inntopia announced a data breach following an incident in which a malicious actor was able to access certain individuals’ names and credit or debit card numbers. On April 21, 2022, Inntopia sent out data breach notifications to those whose information was compromised in the recent breach.

The data breach lawyers at Console & Associates, P.C. are actively investigating

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 26, 2022

Data Breach Alert: Liberty Partners Financial Services, LLC

Data Breach AlertApril 26, 2022 – Recently, Liberty Partners Financial Services, LLC posted a notice on its website of a data breach stemming from an unauthorized party gaining access to an employee’s email account. As a result of the breach, the following information in Liberty Partners’ possession was leaked as it relates to certain individuals: names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, identification numbers, financial account information, biometric

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 26, 2022

Data Breach Alert: Illinois Gastroenterology Group, PLLC

Data Breach AlertApril 26,2022 – Recently, Illinois Gastroenterology Group, PLLC (“IGG”) announced a data breach after an unauthorized party gained access to the organization’s IT system. As a result of the breach, certain individuals’ personal data and protected health information were exposed, including their names, Social Security numbers, financial account information and biometric data. On April 22, 2022, Illinois Gastroenterology Group provided official notice of the breach to

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 26, 2022

Cryptocurrency Theft by Hackers

Cryptocurrency TheftOver recent years, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies have surged in popularity and value as more and more people see the value that the asset class presents. However, hackers see the fact that everyday investors are now holding cryptocurrency as a major opportunity. In fact, over the past year, there have been several high-profile cryptocurrency hacks resulting in the loss of more than $14 billion dollars

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 25, 2022

A Guide for Victims of the Henry Company Data Breach

April 25, 2022 – RData Breach Alertecently, Henry Company announced a data breach involving the names, driver’s license numbers, identification numbers, and Social Security numbers of certain individuals. On April 20, 2022, Henry Company sent data breach letters to all parties whose information was compromised in the recent breach.

The data breach lawyers at Console & Associates, P.C. are actively investigating the Henry Company data breach. We are

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 25, 2022

Data Breach Alert: BlueForce Inc.

Data Breach AlertApril 25, 2022 – Recently, BlueForce, Inc. confirmed that the company was targeted in a cyberattack, resulting in the sensitive information of certain customers being compromised. On April 20, 2022, BlueForce sent out data breach letters to all affected parties, informing them of the incident and what they can do to reduce the chances of falling victim to fraud or identity theft.

The data breach lawyers at

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 25, 2022

Guide for Victims of the Burkhart Dental Supply Data Breach

Data Breach AlertApril 25, 2022 – Recently, Burkhart Dental Supply Co, Inc. confirmed that the company experienced a data breach in October 2021. On April 20, 2022, Burkhart Dental Supply began sending out data breach notification letters to all affected parties, informing them that the compromised information may have included their name, Social Security number, date of birth, and driver’s license number or other government identification number.

The data

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 25, 2022

A Guide for Victims of the Aeropost, Inc. Data Breach

Data Breach AlertOn April 24, 2022, Aeropost.com, based in Doral, Florida, confirmed that the company recently experienced a data breach resulting from an unauthorized party gaining access to the company’s computer network. News of the Aeropost breach is very limited, as it just occurred; however, the company recommends that all customers delete any credit card information stored on the Aeropost website.

The data breach lawyers at Console & Associates,

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 21, 2022

Data Breach Alert: Adaptive Health Integrations

Data Breach AlertApril 21, 2022 – Recently, Adaptive Health Integrations (“AHI”) announced that the company experienced a data breach after an unauthorized party was able to gain access to certain data stored on the company’s computers. On April 11, 2022, AHI filed official notice of the breach with the federal government and began sending out data breach notifications to the 510,574 people whose information was affected by the breach.

Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches | April 21, 2022

Data Breach Alert: International Data Corporation

Data Breach AlertApril 21, 2022 – Recently, International Data Corporation (“IDC Research, Inc.”) announced a data breach resulting from an unauthorized party accessing the company’s computer network. On April 18, 2022, IDC Research, Inc. filed official notice of the breach and began sending data breach notification letters to all affected parties.

It is essential those who receive a data breach notification from International Data Corporation understand what is at