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Accident Tips & Prevention | August 29, 2013

Text Message Could Put You on the Wrong Side of a Lawsuit – When You’re Not Even Driving

You don’t have to be the one behind the wheel to get in trouble for texting while driving – at least, not according to a New Jersey appeals court. CNN reported that judges ruled that if an individual sends text messages to a driver who then causes an accident while texting, the original sender could be held partially responsible for the accident.

There are qualifiers to this,

Personal Injury | August 27, 2013

Your Questions Answered: Why Do I Have to Pay My Deductible on My Property Damage, If the Other Driver Caused the Accident?

You need your car – to get to work, take the kids to school, go on family outings, and even for purposes as basic and necessary as going to the doctor when you’re hurt. Like it or not, life as you know it depends on having reliable transportation. So when a car accident leaves you with serious injuries and property damage, you’re facing physical impairments and transportation

Personal Injury | August 13, 2013

What Should I Do? My Primary Care Doctor Won’t Treat Me for Injuries from My Accident.

As if the injuries you have suffered in an accident aren’t bad enough, you may be in for yet another rude awakening when you call your doctor’s office. If you didn’t sustain the kind of urgent, life-threatening injuries that required you to take a spontaneous ambulance ride to the local emergency room, you may have thought you were doing the right thing by waiting until you could

Accident Tips & Prevention | August 9, 2013

We Shouldn’t Put a Price on Young Drivers’ Safety

If you’re nearing the moment when your child takes a real car for a spin for the first time, or even if that nerve-racking moment seems far away right now, safety should be your number one priority. Yet, even though we all hear the tragic tales of the thousands of teenagers who lose their lives on the road each year in America, we tend to believe that

Accident Tips & Prevention | August 5, 2013

Make Safety a Priority during National Stop on Red Week (and All Year Round)

When driving, do you ever find proceeding through an intersection nerve-racking? How many times have you witnessed a less careful driver on the roadway run a red light? You might be surprised how common the problem is. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) reports that 54 percent of Americans consider running red lights just as reckless as drinking and driving, and nearly one-third of all Americans personally know

Personal Injury | July 30, 2013

What Happens If You Lose a Personal Injury Case?

Many accident victims wonder what happens if they file a personal injury claim and lose. They don’t want to invest their time and money only to fail. They worry about the expense of hiring a lawyer and the legal fees associated. Often, in the wake of the losses these victims have already endured as a result of the accident, they become afraid that any additional cost could

Personal Injury | July 24, 2013

Great Deliberations: The Role of a Jury, the Distractions of the Media

So far, 2013 has been a year of high-profile courtroom dramas, and it’s not just defendants in the spotlight, but jurors. Jury selection in the murder trial of Jodi Arias was so ill-fated that jurors seemed to exit the trial like it was some bizarre game of musical chairs. The puzzling decision to try George Zimmerman in front of a an all-female, anonymous jury of only six

Personal Injury | July 18, 2013

Get Judges out of the Operating Room Before it’s Too Late

The organ transplant waiting list is a roster of names more than 118,000 long – and that’s just today’s numbers. Updated every minute by the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN), the candidates come and go in real time, some receiving life-saving organs from donors, and others leaving the list because their bodies gave out before matching donors became available. The decision making process is often scrutinized,

Accident Tips & Prevention | May 1, 2013

The Great Healthcare Debate: Is Increased Autonomy for Nurse Practitioners the Answer to the Doctor Shortage?

A national crisis, a controversial solution, and a heated battle over patient safety, provider control, and the financial cost of physical health – it’s all just another day in the field of medicine. As the shortage of primary care physicians becomes increasingly influential and even dangerous, Nurse Practitioners are now stepping up to fill the void – or they would be, if state laws allowed them to.

Personal Injury | April 8, 2013

A Little Privacy, Please! Your Rights and Social Media Policies

Your privacy is important to us.

How many times have you heard this spiel? “Your privacy is important to us. Read our privacy policy.”

If your privacy was really important, would the websites that you visit every day, the ones that you use to share stories with family and connect with long-distance friends, need to continuously revise a contract to tell you so? If social media websites

Accident Tips & Prevention | February 26, 2013

Losing the Waiting Game: When Emergency Rooms Fail

Emergency-room-sign-2It sounds like a scene out of a nightmare.

It starts with chest pains. At first, you might mistake the sensation for heartburn, but the pain keeps getting worse and worse until it feels like the life is being squeezed out of your heart. The pain spreads into your arms, your neck, and even your jaw. Breathing becomes difficult, and suddenly so does moving and even standing.

Personal Injury | February 25, 2013

Lies and Lethal Mistakes: Myths about Medical Malpractice and Healthcare Costs in the United States

Jackpot justice. Runaway juries awarding multimillion dollar verdicts to “barely injured” plaintiffs. These news items grab headlines and ignite public outcry about the civil justice system, especially when they apply to medical malpractice claims. Insurance companies and physicians scream that these verdicts are the reasons for skyrocketing healthcare costs. They cry out for tort reform and caps on damages, while providers threaten to leave for more “doctor

Personal Injury | February 19, 2013

Life After The Burn

Some accident victims go home in a few days, maybe even a few hours. Years down the road, only a small, pale scar reminds them of the ordeal. For the really lucky ones, there’s no scar at all. While there was certainly pain and fear, the emotions are temporary and life doesn’t really change.

Many burn victims are not so lucky. Wearing the scars day in and

Current Events and News | February 18, 2013

Feel Any Safer? Pennsylvania Police Ditch Breathalyzers to Catch DUI Offenders

One court ruling may have tipped the first in a large row of dominoes. The Pennsylvania State Police are abandoning their use of breathalyzers at DUI stops, at least temporarily. The decision comes on the heels of a ruling from a Dauphin County judge that threw out 20 charges of driving under the influence based on the unreliability of breathalyzer equipment. The particular device in question is

Personal Injury | February 8, 2013

It’s Your Baby, Voice Your Opinion

You’ve called every contact in your phone to announce the great news, and now the long pregnancy road lies ahead. In the coming months, you’ll be making a lot of visits to your doctor, hearing words you recognize (ultrasound) and those that sound like they belong to a prehistoric era (preeclampsia?).

Your head may soon be bursting at the seams from the myths and conflicting information that