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Personal Injury | January 9, 2015

Knowing This One Thing Will Change How You Drive in Snow

Know Your Brakes

To pump or not to pump? It’s a question that you can only answer with another question: What kind of brakes do you have?

If you drive a newer car, you don’t have to guess. The National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) has required all new vehicles to include Electronic Stability Control since late 2011. An antilock brake system, or ABS, is a necessary

Personal Injury | January 7, 2015

How to Survive If You Spin Out on Ice

Do you know what to do if you find yourself fishtailing on a slippery road this winter? Knowing how to counter-steer could help you avoid a deadly collision.

What Not to Do

When your car slips, skids, or slides on an icy road, your first instinct might be to panic and slam on the brakes. Don’t. You might also be tempted to turn the steering wheel

Personal Injury | November 18, 2014

Troubling Trends in Labor-and-Wage Law

When is a promotion at work not actually a promotion? When does getting a raise cut your earnings? For countless employees across the nation, more often than you might think – and recent lawsuit trends suggest that the problem has only gotten worse. Employees work too hard for their money for our legal system – or our society – to turn a blind eye when employers exploit

Accident Tips & Prevention | October 10, 2014

Slow Down for Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day

Each year, more than 30,000 Americans die sudden and avoidable deaths in motor vehicle collisions. To put that in perspective, that’s the equivalent of more than three-quarters of the population of Mount Laurel or nearly half the population of Cherry Hill. These people are killed in the middle of living their lives. They leave behind loving families, devoted friends, promising careers, and unfinished personal goals.

This needs

Accident Tips & Prevention | October 6, 2014

How to Have a Better Commute: Drive Safely to Work Week

The daily commute is a part of life for most of us – probably not one of our favorite parts, but a necessary part. Keeping yourself safe is just as necessary. Don’t let the daily routine lull you into thinking that your commute is risk-free. Every time you get on the road, you could get into an accident – so every time you get on the road,

Accident Tips & Prevention | September 16, 2014

Ask the Attorney: You Can Still Sue If You’re Partly at Fault

Asker: Am I at fault for my accident? The insurance company says I’m at fault even though I don’t agree. What should I do?

Attorney: Liability, or who’s at fault and legally responsible, is the basis of personal injury claims. Often, fault is complicated. As you begin the process of moving forward with your life, you might find that an insurance adjuster you have to deal with

Personal Injury | September 10, 2014

Does Pot Save Lives? Prescription Painkiller Deaths Decline in Medical Marijuana States

Which drug is more dangerous, one that remains illegal in much of the country or one that’s prescribed by a doctor and taken as instructed? When the drugs in question are marijuana for medical purposes versus powerfully addictive opioid painkillers like hydrocodone and oxycodone, there’s evidence that one of these drugs is significantly less risky than the other. You might not often hear “saving lives” as an

Personal Injury | September 9, 2014

Ask the Attorney: Pre-Existing Injuries Don’t Have to Hurt Your Claim

Asker: Will prior injuries make a difference in getting a fair personal injury settlement? My doctor has indicated this is a new injury that shouldn’t be attributed to the previous injury or that this accident worsened the existing injury. What if I had surgery, physical therapy, or chiropractic care before?

Attorney: Unfortunately, there’s no limit on the number of times you can find yourself in the wrong

Personal Injury | September 2, 2014

Ask the Attorney: You Might Have a Med Mal Claim If…

Asker: Can I sue a medical professional for malpractice? What about suing a doctor for withholding information that caused a delay in treatment?

Attorney: Medical malpractice is a common focus of questions from clients and prospective clients. “Med mal” claims are notoriously complicated, even for those of us in the legal industry – and these cases are extremely confusing for people with no legal background. Most people

Personal Injury | August 27, 2014

Parents’ Roles in Teens Texting and Driving

Pop quiz for parents: When your teenagers are talking on cell phones or texting while driving, who are they talking to?

You’d probably guess that friends rank pretty high on the list. You might make the same assumption about boyfriends or girlfriends. What might surprise you is more than half of teen’s phone calls behind the wheel involve you – parents. And that’s not all.

We’re all

Personal Injury | August 19, 2014

Ask the Attorney: Deadlines for Your Claim Range from Two Years to a Matter of Days

Asker: How long do I have to file a claim for injuries from a car accident or medical malpractice?

Attorney: I always say that after an accident, time isn’t on your side. There are time limits that restrict your legal rights to seek compensation for your injuries. These deadlines are called statutes of limitations, and they vary not only from state to state, but also depending

Personal Injury | August 12, 2014

Ask the Attorney: Slip-and-Fall Victims Can Sue, but They’ll Need Help

Asker: Can I sue for a slip-and-fall in a store or parking lot? The company was very unapologetic about the incident and they were expecting me to handle my medical bills on my own. Can I sue for the slip and medical bills or would it be considered too minor?

Attorney: Of all the types of accidents out there, it seems that slip-and-fall injuries are among the

Personal Injury | August 5, 2014

Ask the Attorney: It’s Possible (and Good) to Pay Out-of-Pocket Accident Medical Expenses after Settlement

Asker: Can I request to be billed for copayment when seeing a specialist, like a neurologist, after an accident. I am currently not able to work and can’t pay out of pocket now?

Attorney: Pursuing a personal injury claim can take time, so you might not see the money you deserve for a little while. That shouldn’t prevent you from getting the treatment you need now. You

Personal Injury | July 24, 2014

The Invincibility Myth: Distracted Drivers Don’t Let Facts Influence Behavior

They say knowledge is power, but a disturbing new safety study proves that knowing an action is dangerous apparently doesn’t stop drivers from doing it anyway. A Harris poll published late last month found that of the thousands of drivers surveyed, large percentages clearly recognized the risks of driving while distracted or intoxicated – and then admitted to engaging in those same hazardous behaviors.

It’s alarming that

Personal Injury | July 22, 2014

Ask the Attorney: Insurance Adjusters Aren’t Friends and Fair Settlements Are Relative

Asker: Do I have to accept what the insurance company offers me for an injury claim? If I accept a settlement offer that doesn’t cover all of my damages, do I give up my right to pursue compensation for the remaining damages? How do I know if the offer is a fair amount?

Attorney: Choosing to accept or reject a settlement offer is always a gamble. If