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Personal Injury | February 16, 2016

When Should I Call a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Wondering when to call a personal injury lawyer? Here’s everything you need to know.

Whether your accident happened a few hours ago or a few weeks ago, there’s a good chance that you’ll eventually wonder whether you need to get a personal injury lawyer involved.


If you’re wondering whether it’s time to call a lawyer, the answer is yes. With free consultations and no upfront fees, there’s

Personal Injury | January 28, 2016

Can a Personal Injury Settlement Be Taxed?

When you got hurt, it was one of the most difficult times of your life. But you got through it, and you got justice. Maybe you handled a small personal injury claim on your own. Maybe you had a lawyer to help maximize your compensation. Either way, you ended up with money for the damages you suffered.

Now, though, you may be wondering if the money you

Accident Tips & Prevention, Current Events and News | January 7, 2016

Use Elevators, Handrails, and Tunnels to Avoid Winter Slip and Falls

On any snowy day, think about your walking route. Can you take an elevator instead of potentially slippery steps? At any point on your path, do you have the option of using a tunnel instead of walking out in the open? If so, do – during winter storms, minimizing the risk of a slip and fall on ice the most important thing you can do.

When walking

Accident Tips & Prevention, Current Events and News | January 7, 2016

Walking on Ice? Take the Path More Traveled

Poet Robert Frost may have famously taken the road less traveled, but he probably didn’t do it during an ice storm. A snowy day is not the time to pioneer your own route – and trying could increase your risk of suffering a slip and fall on ice. In slippery weather conditions, the route you walk could make a big difference in your safety.

  • Stick to

Personal Injury | January 7, 2016

Easy Tricks to Stop Snow from Sticking to Your Shovel

Nothing can slow down a snow removal job like the snow sticking to the shovel. Big clumps of snow can weigh your shovel down and decrease the space for scooping up new snow, making your work more tiring and inefficient than it needs to be. Every time you try to jostle stuck snow off of the blade, you’re wasting valuable time and energy. If the snow sticks

Personal Injury | December 29, 2015

Will My Personal Injury Case Go to Trial?

Whether You’re Hoping for Your Day in Court or Dreading the Ordeal of a Trial, Here’s What You Need to Know

The Odds of Taking the Case to Court

Every year, hundreds of thousands of tort lawsuits – suits over harm suffered because of someone else’s behavior – are filed in federal courts. State courts see hundreds or thousands of additional tort lawsuits.

How many actually go

Accident Tips & Prevention, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | December 22, 2015

How Do Personal Injury Cases Work?

We Break Down What a Personal Injury Case Is, Who Is Involved and What a Lawyer Will Do for You


Photo Credit: Pixabay (Public Domain).

Damages and Your Personal Injury Case

When you get hurt in some sort of accident, motor vehicle-related or otherwise, you suffer what we in the legal industry call damages.

The injuries you suffered are just one example of your damages.

Personal Injury | December 17, 2015

What Should I Do If I Have Back Pain from a Car Accident?

The 3 Steps You Must Take If You’re Suffering Back Pain from a Crash

When the accident happened, you felt more shaken than anything. That’s normal. You’re in shock – you certainly weren’t expecting this to happen! – and with the adrenaline flowing, you might have really thought you were fine. Maybe you even thought how lucky you were that the crash wasn’t worse.

But that was

Current Events and News | October 15, 2015

That’s Not the Flu: Are You at Risk for Deadly Legionnaires’ Disease?

Simply breathing in the wrong place could put you in danger of suffering a life-threatening lung infection.

Feeling ill? Your cough might be more than seasonal allergies or a nasty cold. Every year, early autumn sees an upsurge in cases of a severe form of pneumonia called Legionnaires’ disease, according to the New Jersey Herald. And if you’re like many Legionnaires’ disease patients, you never even realized

Accident Tips & Prevention, Current Events and News | June 23, 2015

You Won’t Believe How Many People Disappear on Cruise Ships

beautiful view of shoreline and cruise ship

Taking a cruise this summer? Here’s everything you need to know about cruise ship disappearances.

A man vanished during his honeymoon, never to be seen again. Investigators found bloodstains in his cabin and more streaks of blood down the side of the ship.

When a woman traveling with relatives didn’t return to the cabin as planned, her travel companions assumed she was out enjoying herself. Only as

Personal Injury | June 16, 2015

How Revictimizing Victims Became a New Industry

This Man Is the Reason Insurance Companies Can Take Money From You (Again!)

My job is to protect accident victims from the overreaching insurance companies who try to wriggle out of paying victims what they deserve. This guy has the opposite claim to fame: he “protects” insurer’s profits at the expense of injured victims.

After all, in his own words, “Why isn’t this money going back to

Accident Tips & Prevention, Current Events and News | June 4, 2015

Lane Courtesy: Solving the Traffic Jam Mystery

This one bad driving habit is behind the most aggravating traffic jams clogging up your commute.

We’ve all been there – trapped in an ocean of glaring red brake lights, waiting for what seems like an eternity for the bumper-to-bumper traffic to clear. Yet when it does, there’s no obvious reason for traffic to have slowed to a crawl in the first place. No debris from an

Accident Tips & Prevention, Current Events and News | May 7, 2015

What You Need to Know for Youth Traffic Safety Month

Every year, thousands of young people die in auto accidents, and hundreds of thousands sustain injuries. Even one avoidable child death is too many, but statistics show the problem is far more widespread than that. On average, more than a dozen children under 12 die every week in a crash – and that’s excluding teenagers, who make up the single most at-risk group for car accidents.


Current Events and News | April 28, 2015

Even After Surviving Cancer, Complications Loom Large

We often frame discussions of cancer in terms of war. We talk about “cancer battles,” in which “winning” means surviving. Yet just like literal warfare, cancer can leave survivors with scars – physical and emotional. Many real cancer survivors don’t always feel victorious after beating cancer. They may struggle with the physical and psychological consequences of the illness. Cancer survivors have an increased risk of suffering serious

Personal Injury | April 24, 2015

Dismissive Doctors Give New Meaning to Medical Neglect

doctor and patient looking at computerHealthcare has become such an ordeal today that for many patients, doctors’ dismissive attitudes undermine whatever benefit they should get from going to the doctor. This trend isn’t just frustrating – it’s dangerous.

Your doctor should listen to your concerns and your account of your symptoms and explain to you what different diagnoses and test results mean. As a patient, you deserve nothing less. If a doctor