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Personal Injury | August 17, 2020

Do I Need a Personal Injury Attorney?

Richard P. Console Jr.After a severe accident, it’s normal to have questions. What will your recovery look like? When and how can you return to work despite your injuries? What do you need to do next?

“Do I need a personal injury attorney?” however, is one of the most important questions many people will ask following an accident. The answer, almost always, is yes. The sooner you hire one, the

Personal Injury | August 11, 2020

2020 Console & Associates Legal Scholarship

University of Minnesota Law School Student Wins 2020 Console & Associates Legal ScholarshipUniversity of Minnesota Law School Student Wins 2020 Console & Associates Legal Scholarship

Cedar Weyker loves reading, summer mornings, and her dog, Daisy. Her other enduring passion: human rights policy. We’re proud to name this University of Minnesota Law School student and aspiring immigration lawyer the winner of our 2020 legal scholarship.

An Altruistic Ambition for Her Legal Career

Weyker, born and raised in Minneapolis, MN, knows

Personal Injury | August 10, 2020

If someone is in a car crash, how do they know if they need a lawyer?

Many people who have been injured in an accident have expressed that the crash- although painful and frightening- is just the beginning. After that, there are hospital stays, doctor’s appointments, and physical therapy to deal with. Adjusting to life after the accident is complicated by ongoing pain and a seemingly ever-growing stack of medical bills, overshadowed by a sense of unease about what the insurance company is

Auto Injury | July 21, 2020

What should I do after a hit and run collision?

hit and run collisionMotor vehicle accidents are never a pleasant experience, but they can reach a whole new level of frustration and difficulty should the other driver decide to leave the scene of the collision. Drivers involved in a collision in which a person has been injured or property damaged are legally required to return to the scene of the accident as soon, and as safely, as they can.


Personal Injury | July 1, 2020

What Does the Public Really Think of Lawsuits?

Lawsuits are what make the legal world go ‘round. Without some form of legal proceeding that allows you to pursue some form of recourse for mistakes and misdeeds, it would be hard to get people and corporations to do the right thing after something goes wrong.

But when it comes to lawsuits, there’s no question that these professional matters can quickly become personal. No matter what side

Personal Injury | June 15, 2020

What Is The Difference Between Compensatory And Consortium Damages?

Personal injuries typically happen without warning, and they can leave victims with extensive injuries. These injuries can also lead to tremendous medical and personal expenses for a victim and their family. Likewise, if a person loses their life due to the negligence actions of somebody else, their families are often left in precarious financial situations. In personal injury and wrongful death cases, victims or their family members

Accident Tips & Prevention | June 15, 2020

How To Stay Safe On a Boat This Summer

Due to an overwhelming flood of inquiries, we regret that we are no longer able to accept new clients for Covid related claims. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

The weather is already heating up, and you may be thinking about getting out on a boat to enjoy some summer fun with your friends and family. Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many people may choose to safely

Personal Injury, Product Liability and Class Action News | May 11, 2020

Zantac Cancer Lawsuits on the Rise

When you see “FDA approved” on medicine, you think it’s safe. Sometimes, though, that isn’t the case. Zantac received its FDA approval in 1983, and it took 36 years for people to realize that it causes cancer. By the time the FDA issued a recall in 2020, millions of people were exposed to N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) from Zantac. NDMA is a known carcinogen responsible for almost two

Personal Injury, Product Liability and Class Action News | April 28, 2020

Talc Lawsuit Update

Talc Lawsuit Update: New Jersey Judge’s Ruling Paves the Way for 16,000+ Lawsuits by Cancer Patients and Families

Talc Cancer Lawsuit

After it became publicized in recent years that there could be a causal link between talc powder and ovarian cancer, more than 16,000 lawsuits against talc manufacturer Johnson & Johnson have piled up. The U.S. Department of Justice has also launched a criminal investigation into the matter, Bloomberg reported.

Personal Injury | April 22, 2020

Can a Subcontractor Sue a General Contractor For a Work-Related Injury?

Construction sites are typically very busy areas with many workers going about getting the individual aspects of their projects completed. At any given moment at a construction site, there are usually many tasks going on at once. This could include installing plumbing, installing the electrical system, framing an area, landscaping, heavy equipment operations, and more. What many people do not realize is that there is often more

Personal Injury | April 7, 2020

I Was Hit by a Drunk Driver. What Do I Do?

Car Accident VictimApril is National Alcohol Awareness Month, but this year, there’s so much more to be aware of. Victims of drunk driving accidents right now are facing unique fears and challenges. COVID-19 has transformed life as we know it, at least for now.

For the first time, you have reason to be afraid of getting closer than six feet to the other driver, witnesses, and first responders. Police

Personal Injury | March 2, 2020

182 Car Accident Statistics and Facts That Will Shock You

Cars are part of our culture now and with over 276 Million vehicles on the road in the U.S., our favorite mode of transportation isn’t going anywhere soon.

Sadly, due to the numbers of cars, the amount of driving we do, and human error, there are going to be times when car accidents happen.

To better understand the scale of the problem of car accidents on our

Current Events and News | January 13, 2020

Lawyers and Lawsuits in the Public Eye

The times when you most need a lawyer – divorce, injury, custody, criminal charges – are usually undesirable events. It’s no wonder, then, that these past and potential negative events can cloud public opinion of lawyers and lawsuits. 

Legal matters are inevitable in life, but what people often forget is that attorneys are not the cause of your legal problems. Instead, they are the allies you have

Personal Injury | November 23, 2019

Thanksgiving Donation Gives Slaughter-Bound Racehorse a Second Chance

Richard Console, founder, helps Forgotten Angels Equine Rescue reach their GoFundMe goal to save racehorse destined for the slaughterhouse

When his breeder passed away, it looked like time was running out for a former racehorse named Voiage. Sold to a “kill pen” in Pennsylvania, he was due to be shipped off to slaughter – a tragic and yet all too common end to the stories of former

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | October 17, 2019

What Steps Should You Take After a Serious Injury?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed after you’ve sustained a serious injury. Everything immediately afterward can seem like a big blur. What’s next?

If you’re unsure what steps you should take after a serious injury, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’ve crafted a detailed guide of what you need to do following your injury. Let’s get started.

Determine How You Were Injured

After you’ve been injured,